
First Test Post

so this is my very first test post, just to see if literally anything is working

On paper, I should be able to reference in here: (Association of Ambulance Chief Executives and Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee, 2019)

and another reference (Boran et al., 2011)


  1. Association of Ambulance Chief Executives and Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee. (2019). JRCALC Clinical Guidelines 2019 (S. N. Brown, D. S. Kumar, C. James, & J. Mark, Eds.; p. xiv). Class Professional Publishing.
  2. Boran, S., Lenehan, B., Street, J., McCormack, D., & Poynton, A. (2011). A 10-year review of sports-related spinal injuries. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 180(4), 859–863.
  3. for Health, N. I., & Excellence, C. (2016). Spinal injury: assessment and initial management. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
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